So then, what is beta? According to Psychgrad on Urban Dictionary, Beta guys are those on the side lines supporting the team. After all, each team however big or small, may only have one true leader. They often seek more meaningful relationships because they measure value by how well they work with others. Because of this, they are often the best long-term partners. Instead of acting like someone they truly aren’t and fighting the system, beta males can actually start to act more like who they already are and use these qualities to their advantage. Here are 10 unique reasons why they are great guys.

1.  They think before they act

Beta guys are often quieter and more introspective. They want to think before they say the wrong thing and genuinely care about other people. For example, they might not want to be the center of attention, because they see the value of bringing the group together, rather than promoting their individual needs. Sometimes beta guys think too much and can forget to act at all!

2.  They listen before they speak

Beta guys like to listen to other perspectives and opinions before butting in with their own beliefs. They would rather get all the facts in order before stating their own. Beta guys are often called “great listeners” who will do anything to understand another point of view. Sometimes beta guys do this to a fault, and can forget to share their own perspective because they don’t want to disrupt the system.

3.  They notice the little things

Beta guys are often acutely aware of their surroundings. They notice things that other people may not notice. They pay attention to detail and are often proud of the work they put into something. Often, beta guys will know their friends, co-workers, and partners better than they know themselves. Sometimes beta guys don’t communicate this knowledge in the right way and notice a little bit too much.

4.  They want to make a deeper connection

Instead of shallow relationships or “picking up” dates, beta guys want to make a deep connection with other people. They aren’t concerned so much about the moment, but rather a long term future with someone. They’d rather put in the work of getting to know one person, rather than randomly finding anyone to talk at.

5.  They don’t like to talk about themselves

Sometimes beta guys forget to talk about why they are important and how they can add value to a relationship. They don’t like to brag about themselves because they often don’t see how it will benefit the greater good. Beta guys would rather spend their time listening to someone else than talking about how awesome they are.

6.  They are great problem solvers

Because beta guys typically think deeply, they often have a natural ability to problem solve. Sometimes it means solving a complex math problem; sometimes it means crafting something out of love. Sometimes it means offering a unique solution that no-one else has even considered. Beta guys can easily take a step back and look at something for what it is and leave their ego at the door.

7.  They enjoy spending time doing what they love

Passion is often synonymous with beta guys. They like to fully immerse themselves in whatever they are doing. Sometimes it can come across as overbearing because they are passionate about other people. On the other hand, they can often forget to acknowledge other people, because they are so enthralled with what they are doing, even if what they’re doing doesn’t appear to be “interesting” to others.

8.  They want to improve their relationships

Beta guys don’t care as much about themselves, and would rather enhance the relationship, over their own self interests. They would rather keep the peace in their relationships, instead of getting their own way. Beta guys often deeply care about their significant other and would do anything for them. Beta men care about themselves but would readily sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the relationship.

9. They want to be with the right person

Sometimes beta guys believe they’ve found the “right” person too quickly. They think they’ve found the one quickly after meeting someone that pays any attention to them. They often would do anything to try and convince the other person why they are right for them, instead of looking at who is actually right for them. Deep down, beta guys don’t want to be with just anyone, and want to find someone who will love them for who they are.

10.  They want to really get to know you

Beta guys want to get to know the real you. They don’t want like to be around fake people who put on a show. They will take the time to listen, but only if you show them who you really are, over time. Beta guys quickly become overwhelmed over the long term with too much information that they don’t know how to fix. However, beta guys can often cut through the nonsense and understand where someone else is coming from. Beta guys don’t have to finish last and they aren’t destined to be alone. They are often overlooked as valuable potential partners because they aren’t seen as the most thrilling, bodacious, or rad guys. On the other hand, beta men don’t always show other people just how important they are. The more we can better understand one another, the more beta guys will be seen as great guys who can be themselves, instead of living in a manly world that tells them they can’t. Featured photo credit: StartupStockPhotos via