1. Connect

Do not isolate yourself. Reach out to your loved ones, family, friends especially those who are empathetic and positive. Unburdening your feelings will make you feel more at peace and sharing it with someone will bring faster healing.

2. Consider age-old wisdom

If you have lost a loved one, cherish his or her memory and know he or she is in a better place. This is fate but his or her love will remain with you forever. He or she may have wanted you to move on. If you have suffered a financial loss, know gains and losses are a part of life. You were happy before you had what you think you have lost. You still have the ability to get back and even double that. So look at what you have left and make the most of it. According to Holy scripture the Bhagvad Gita says, If you had a relationship breakup or lost your job, learn from what went wrong so going forward you can have a successful second inning. You may have invested your emotions, time and energy wholeheartedly but things did not turn out as expected. High expectations bring frustration so do your part next time but keep your expectations low. The only thing permanent in life is change and all things happen for a reason. You will realize this once the storm has passed.

3. Exercise

Follow a daily routine of at least 20 minutes of cardio or yoga to beat the blues. Studies show working out releases a feel-good hormone that makes you feel better.

4. Pick up a hobby

Release your emotions through any activity of your interest be it painting or dancing. Listening to upbeat or soothing music or watching happy or funny movies is also a proven remedy. After all laughter is the best medicine.

5. Food

Foods such as dark chocolate, fish and fruits such as oranges are recommended by science to uplift your mood.

6. Take a break

If possible, change your surroundings. Go away to some place peaceful where you can get alone time or be with someone you love. This will distract you and allow you to introspect. You will get a refreshed view of how to start anew.

7. Practice mindfulness

Go out in nature preferably in the evening hours when the sun is about to set. This is the time one feels most depressed. Breathe deeply and observe the beauty around you. Doing so will make you feel calm.

8. Give back

Life throws challenges to make you more humble. Volunteer for a cause you believe in. You will realize you are not alone in your suffering. Some people’s miseries may even make yours seem insignificant in comparison.

9. Keep the faith

Science has proven those who pray heal faster. Trust in the higher power to direct your path.

10. Think positive

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Time is a big healer and feel comfort in knowing your present ordeal has only made you stronger and wiser.