These little gestures can cheer you up and make you feel loved and appreciated, and can even change a bad day into a great day. Often these gestures are free and take only a few minutes – check out 40 small things that couples often find great joy in.

  1. Dancing around the house together when you’re both in a great mood.
  2. Your partner covering you in a blanket if you fall asleep on the sofa because they don’t want you to get cold.
  3. Having someone who will sing loudly around the house with you when you’re in a good mood.
  4. Waking up during the night and rolling over to hug your partner.
  5. Watching your favorite TV shows with each other and sharing some snacks.
  6. Enjoying a goodbye kiss before you leave for work.
  7. Leaving notes with each other’s lunch, saying how much you love each other.
  8. Cooking your favorite meals together, and playing around in the kitchen together.
  9. Bringing your partner a hot drink when they are too busy to make one themselves.
  10. Receiving an unexpected hug from your partner.
  11. Holding each other’s hands whenever you go out together.
  12. Falling asleep in each other’s arms on the sofa during a film after a long day.
  13. Taking silly pictures with each other, which you will later cherish.
  14. Having someone to carry you to bed if you accidentally fall asleep.
  15. Surprising your partner by cooking their favorite meal for them.
  16. Hanging out together in a relaxed, comfortable silence.
  17. Buying each other little treats, like ice cream, chips or sweets.
  18. Taking long naps together during time off from work.
  19. Their smile making you feel genuinely happy.
  20. Having someone to hold you close when you are feeling down. 21. Going to the store late at night together to buy tasty snacks for late night cravings.
  21. Long, meaningful hugs when one of you is feeling down.
  22. Surprising each other by treating each other to occasional breakfast in bed.
  23. Staying up laughing all night when you should really be sleeping.
  24. Doing the weekly food shop together, while joking your way around the supermarket.
  25. Unexpected kisses that take your breath away and put a smile on your face.
  26. Receiving a phone call or text from them when you are not together, saying they are thinking of you.
  27. Waking your partner up to give them a hug before you leave for work.
  28. Visiting beautiful places together, like local parks and museums.
  29. Doing jobs together to make them easier, like moving in or putting up Christmas decorations.
  30. Listening to your favorite bands together and introducing each other to new music.
  31. Sneaking a glance at your partner and admiring them.
  32. Hanging out together doing separate things, but enjoying each other’s company.
  33. Enjoying a beautiful sunset together.
  34. Giving your partner your coat or scarf when they look a little chilly.
  35. Play fighting with each other in bed. You don’t care about winning – just playing with each other puts big smiles on your faces.
  36. Doing silly things together that you would do with no one else, like building a pillow fort or drawing on each other’s faces.
  37. Doing the jobs your partner hates for them, like loading the dishwasher or tidying the bedroom.
  38. Running your partner a bath after they have had a long, hard day.
  39. Waking you up in the mornings with a hot drink and a smile on their face.